Emeryci 3750 kills | Secret Service 2618 kills | WICKED 1377 kills |
22/11/2024 |
17-10-2024 |
Exp stages: | |
Level : | Multiplier : |
1 - 100 | x50 x75 |
101 - 200 | x15 x22.5 |
201 - 510 | x10 x15 |
511 - 550 | x5 x7.5 |
551 - 600 | x2 |
601 - 9999 | x1 |
Death Stage | |
Level | Experience Loss |
0 - 551 | 7% |
551+ | 14% |
600+ | 21% |
700+ | 28% |
Frags system | |
Frags | # |
8 minutes | Time PZ |
3 hours | Frag time |
14 | Frags to Redskull |
21 | Frags to ban |
General information: | |
Option | Value |
Loot | 1x |
Skill | 12x 24x |
Magic Level | 3x 6x |
S2 |
16-10-2024 |
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